Lewy had organised an RDO for today, so early this morning we went out for breakfast. We wanted to do something different for the day ... so Lewy got out the GPS, put the map of Perth on the screen, shut his eyes and pointed....... to Roleystone, so that is where we headed! We had no idea what we were going to do there or even if there
was anything to do there, but decided to enjoy the journey and see where we ended up!
At breakfast. This photo makes me laugh - Sam wanted to be like Jacob and sit in a high chair... even though he is way too big! My beautiful blue eyed boys! We were all filled up from a big cooked breakfast, coffee and juice so ready to head off for our big day!
Roleystone is gorgeous! We loved driving through and enjoying the scenery, the hills, greenery and trees.
We ended up driving down this road and saw a sign for Canning Dam, so decided that was a good place to visit :)
Feeling high on adventure, we decided to tackle the walk even with a pram and toddler :)
Clearly, when I got dressed this morning I never imagined we would be taking a hike to a dam!
The views were stunning
Self-made double pram working its magic again. As you can see the track wasn't really made for prams like this!
Lots of steps
Sam did a great job on the walk
Holding onto Sam VERY tightly!
If you look closely, you'll see a tired Sam making his way along the bridge :)
This is where our walk turned into a full blown adventure... the track got even more rocky, Sam was tired now so hitched a ride from Daddy. Jacob had the best seat... he was actually falling asleep sitting up like this when I took this picture:)
Here was where we got lost.... because there were a stack of little picnic places around the area, to come to a sign like this does NOT help with figuring out which picnic place our car was parked at!!!!
All we could see was bush.. but thankfully after a few wrong turns, we finally saw the stairs to take us back our car.
We were very proud of ourselves for making it back! The boys fell asleep the moment we started driving away. A great little adventure :)