Grab a cuppa... this is going to be a long one!!!!
First of all, I'm really into rain drops at the moment... they are just so beautiful, delicate and simple....just like little diamonds when the sun hits them just right.....
Sweet huh?!
Secondly... this next part I wrote last night (Friday night).....
About once a month, I end up going to bed at a crazy early time to make up for all my early mornings and long days... today was that day in the month. By 4.40pm (today being Friday!) I could no longer stay awake and Lewy kindly took care of the boys for me and I very happily went to sleep. What always happens though is I usually wake up later that evening full of beans and revived... which is why I'm up now, updating my blog for tomorrow! I will wait until tomorrow to post it though as I will need to make sure I take some pictures to accompany the post!
Seen as my mind is active I thought I would share what I've been thinking about .. :)
I have been thinking about how I have really enjoyed taking my boys out these last few days.. so simple - looking at leaves, talking about our surroundings, the animals, the trees, the water. I love doing this, it makes me feel full of life to get back to nature and enjoy watching the curiosity and learning from my boys' perspectives.
It made me think about my own childhood.... we had a great childhood.. very different to most, but I wouldn't change it for anything. My parents were missionaries and also at times, foster parents, so we spent a lot of our childhood in remote places in Australia, with aboriginal children that my parents fostered... we spent our days in the bush, playing games, running around, making our own fun, going on picnics in the middle of nowhere, having kangaroo tail that was cooked in a ground fire and eating Widgety Grubs ... toys were sparse but we didn't notice.. we were too busy climbing in trees, running around in the rain and playing in mud, picking fruit and laying on the ground looking at insects and animals that we would find along our adventures.... I remember when we lived in a village in Canarvon for awhile we would run around, play hide and seek at the banana plantation, all the kids of the village would meet at the tennis court after dinner and play until our parents would come and get us for bedtime, we'd sit in our cubby houses and pretend to fish off the side while someone was at the bottom putting leaves on our string and tug it to let us know we had caught a 'fish' many memories.
There is a point to all this rambling! I was thinking the other day.. wondering if I should be providing more things for my boys to play with outside seen as we have a small background.. and then I realised... wow - it really is so easy to drawn into the material side of things.. too easy! As soon as I thought it, I picked myself up on it and decided my boys have plenty, but what they would benefit from FAR MORE than more toys.. is more outings outside, more time in nature, more time to enjoy the beautiful natural things around us, the animals, the water, the trees, the flowers.... this is what I want for my boys, because this is what I'm so grateful for with my own upbringing.
This also explains why I have such a huge yearning to move away from the city and get out to the country... I have a strong desire to live more simply, to be surrounded by nature.. one day... one day (Please God?! One day?!)
So... that helped... I'm feeling tired again! By the way, it's pouring with rain outside, late at night, the boys of our household are sleeping... this feels so nice and cosy being awake when life has slowed down for the night :) Sweet dreams all ... xxxx
And that brings us to today! (are you still there?? still awake?? need another coffee??)
Last nights musing inspired our day trip today... so here it is!.....
I decided that today me and the boys would head to John Forrest for a little wander around, just at the bottom of the hills, to get some fresh air and enjoy some nature.... well, a little wander around turned into a full on 2 hour hike into the hills! But it was GREAT!
Sam handled the journey like a pro hiker... and Jacob enjoyed being carried the whole way... apart from our rest stops where he would have a little waddle around to check out the scenery :)
More rain drops.... |
Check these boys out... this was literally like 5 seconds after we got out of the car! I then figured the sooner I filled them up, the sooner we could go exploring! .... anyone would think I coloured coordinated my boys and our belongings! .. least they would have been easy to find if I lost them :)
It was perfect weather for a bush walk... not too hot, not too cold.... juuuust right.
Out of the blue... Sam started singing Justin Bieber's "Baby, baby, babbyyyyyyy oohhhhh"....please believe me - he sure didn't hear that song from me! I asked him where he heard it and he said the boys were singing it at daycare! ha! funny stuff and nice to have some music entertainment on our walk.. :) although it would have been better if it wasn't Bieber tunes!
Yes... there was even a part of the trek that Jacob hitched a ride on my shoulders.. he giggled the whole time.
Please excuse the crazy smile... we had been going for quite some time by this stage and I was getting rather tired but feeling pretty pleased we made it to the top!
The only shame of today was that Lewy had to work and couldn't join us .... we miss him lately as he is working so hard but we have a lovely Bali holiday coming up to look forward too... so we will enjoy some adventures with Daddy soon :)
Right! I'm done! (are you relieved?!)
I'm off to make another coffee and put my feet up! Happy Saturday all! xx