Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 310 Depression.. again?

More stuff about depression. Sorry guys, it seems to be everywhere I look lately (although I'm very grateful that it's not visiting me personally).

As you know I follow a few blogs. It really is only a few, even it might sound like all I do is read blogs all day :P It seems I am attracted to blogs of people who have been through/going through depression, I guess because when you've been through it yourself you automatically have a deeper understanding and connection with those who have also been visited by the dark cloud.

That is a long way of saying .. check out this lady: The Bloggess and other fave of mine: Dooce

These two ladies have something in common. They are HILARIOUS =)) Have you noticed how some people with depression also have the gift of been darn funny? I think what happened in my case was when 'depression' was handed out, I then went on a bathroom break, while the rest of the people moved into the next handout line of 'being hilarious'. Doh!

There is also another reason why the 'dark cloud curse' has been on my mind lately. I've been feeling a strong desire to DO something positive about my experience with it. Like .. I don't know... fundraising, volunteering to bring awareness, organising something. That's about as far as I've gotten on the subject, but there is certainly a niggly feeling inside that I should use the negative experience to bring a positive change for others and actually do good with it. If anyone has any thoughts/ideas, wants to join forces to work on this little project or even just has the same desire to do something .. let me know. :)


Lewy got up to the boys this morning so I could have a little sleep in. I said to him last night "don't forget the routine: get Jacob up, bottle of milk, nappy change and then you both sit and watch 7th Heaven". For some reason, and I don't know why, Lewy was not at all interested in following the last part of the routine. Strange :P


I took this photo last week. This is what Sam ..or should I say Spiderman... looked like when I picked him up from daycare... cute or what?!

I'm excited about the dinner menu for this week, some yummy dishes in the, I'll prove it:

Fish served with Butter Bean Salad and Sweet Potato Chips

For the fish - I melted some butter in the frypan, added the juice of 1 lemon and some dill. Added in Nile Perch fillets and left until cooked (turning once). So simple, but produces a lovely delicate taste.

 and HERE is the Sweet Potato Chips info.

So, remember the Butter Bean Salad dish that featured on Sunday's Stuff yesterday? I made it! And boy is it gooooood! It's way too easy to make and is a perfect side dish.

To begin, grab 2 x cans of Butter Beans (drained and washed)

Add some Vinaigrette and mix through, set aside.

Add some Kalamata Olives, sliced in half and Sun-dried tomato strips.

Chop up some fresh basil leaves and fetta. (Sorry, I don't have specific measurements - I just added as much as I thought necessary).

Mix through, along with some more Vinaigrette.

It is ..... sublime :P Seriously, it really is.


Last night I watched Scream 4. Yes. I did. I must be pretty de-sensitized to these kinds of scary movies now as 1. I watched it alone. 2. At night. 3. I didn't jump once. 4. I even got a bit bored and played around with my phone.

Anyway, the good thing is I have watched enough of these movies, that should I ever been involved in a situation where crazed killers are out and about, I will know exactly what to do, and what NOT to do ie, run upstairs while the killer is chasing me or run into the garage where the door is sure to be used as a tool in my murder.

Not long after watching the movie, the RCD tripped out. This is the conversation Lewy and I had:

Lewy: I'll have to go out to the switchboard.
Me: No! don't go OUTSIDE! That's what they want you to do. 
Lewy: Who's they?
Me: The killers on Scream. It's all a part of their plan. They trip the RCD, then you go out and get murdered. 
Lewy: Riiiiiiiiiiight. I'm going to go outside now.

See, if there was in fact a Scream killer outside, Lewy would be wishing he listened to me (wishing from heaven). Luckily, THIS TIME, there wasn't any psychos around.... but you can never be too careful. b-(


It's been a hub of activity around our house today. Cleaning (me), fitting in the new desk to the study (Lewy and his Dad), more electrical work in the study (Lewy), washing the piles of laundry (me), food shopping (me) and general work around the house (us) as well as trying to keep the boys occupied (us) :P

Another job done in the study! Looks great, we are so pleased with the result. Lewy and his Dad did a great job, it wasn't an easy task, but they were up to the challenge and nailed it!

More updates to come on the study as we add the final touches soon. What a project it has been!

Just when you thought this post was finally going to come to an end... I have one more question :P

Seen as it's Halloween today and we seem to be a nation that doesn't pay too much attention to this occasion,  it would be interesting to see what your personal views are.

How do you feel about Halloween?

Thanks guys!

Happy Monday x

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 309 Sunday's Stuff

Favourite Necklace

I can't remember if I've posted this one before.. if I have, it just goes to show how much I love it :) So simple and elegant.

Favourite Recipe

This looks delish! Butter Bean Salad with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, Feta and Basil Vinaigrette. Yes Please.

Favourite Place Log cabin in Montana

*sigh* My itchy feet are out of control. 

Favourite Outfit

One of these days I'll actually start to dress as nicely as the outfits I post on here!

Favourite Bracelet

Favourite Photo

Uncovering History - read the article from Twisted Sifter, very interesting!

Yes. Yes, you are :) 

I use favourite lightly, as I haven't actually tried this yet ha! But it looks like a schedule I could handle well enough. I'll let you know how it goes, probably a good idea to repeat once or twice to make it a good workout. 

Hehe silly things make me giggle :P


That's it... done and dusted for today. I've got a lot of things to cross of my To Do List, so I'm outta here. Have a great Sunday all! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 308 A new addition to our family

I'm very excited to announce that there will be a 5th member of our family, due ..... (guys seriously, you didn't really think I'd be pregnant?! No no no no no nooooooooooo, gosh NO).

but in all seriousness we do have good news, and it does involve a new 5th member of our family :) A decision NOT made lightly, with lots of research, talking and planning done... so yesterday after making a very special phone call, we headed out to Maddington...

so that we could choose our new little family member... say hello! He is only 5 weeks old, so we have to wait 3 more weeks to bring him home.. but he is worth the wait :)

We knew we wanted a male dog (my bias for boy babies seems to include puppies as well!) and we knew we wanted a tan colour. The moment we walked in, I picked up this little guy as he stood out and it turns out he was the only male tan pup. Awwwww, meant to be :P

We knew we wanted a full breed pup as we wanted to be able to research the nature and behaviour of the dog so we had an idea of what we were in for. Our little guy is an English Staffy (and before anyone freaks out thinking they are at all like Pit Bulls... they are absolutely not, in fact Staffy's are quite the opposite in nature and extremely wonderful family and child friendly dogs). If you are wondering why I am taking time to explain this... it's actually for my Dad's sake who I know will be reading this and starting to stress out... don't worry Dad! This link is just for you :)

I'll be looking forward to updating you guys when we get to bring him home in 3 weeks time. :)


I apologise for the iPhone pics. I must get out with camera soon, I'm starting to miss it.

This is Sam right now. He has been helping Daddy clean out the garage, a big and tiring job to say the least.


Off to sit outside and enjoy a Saturday dinner BBQ on this glorious sunny day! x

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 307 Not much!

I don't know if it's because I know Lewy is home for awhile now and I can relax a little, or if it's the sickness I'm still trying to get over, or if it's laziness... but today I haven't done much at all. Except I did have a blissful 2 hour nap mid morning while Lewy manned the household. Yay me! (and yay Lewy of course for making sure the boys didn't burn down the house).

I haven't even cleaned. *gasp*

Lewy is a good influence on me. He helps me to relax and chill out a little more. Although by the looks of the house, I'll be regretting this tomorrow! But tomorrow is hours away yet, and right now we are living in the moment, quietly celebrating the fact that Lewy is home with us for 8 weeks now and it is goooood!


I had all these ideas of what else I was going include in today's post... but now that I'm sitting here at the latop and have a belly full of dinner, I just feel like chilling out on the couch.!

Will make up for it tomorrow :)

Happy, chilled out Friday xxx

Adventures in Depression

(Note: DON'T WORRY ... it's not me - I'm doing fine and dandy!)

I just wanted to share this link Adventures in Depression. I follow Allie's blog ( and seriously, she makes me laugh so hard, she is hugely talented, gifted and hilarious. She also suffers from severe depression. I love how she is so honest about it, it's inspiring.

I must admit I haven't felt this extreme level of depression that Allie has, for that I'm thankful, but I could relate to a few things that she mentioned. I think it's a good thing to raise awareness of what depression is all about and the more we (by we, I mean society) understand the more we can provide support and research on how to overcome it.

Some of my favourites posts by Allie: (Read them, trust me, you won't be able to stop laughing :P)

The Party:
The God of Cake:
This is Why I'll Never Be An Adult:

Be back later with today's post. x

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 306 Poll Day

A very BIG Happy Birthday to Val's son Quintin, who turned 1 today!! Time goes way too quickly. Me and my boys are sad we weren't able to go to his little party today :( We hope you have a lovely day cutie Quintin!


Instead of today's post being about how I'm still sick, and it's still annoying... I've decided it will be a lot more fun to introduce a new idea! POLL DAY! Yay! :D

Here are some random questions just for fun. This is all anonymous, so I will have no idea who has answered what etc... so go for your life! Let's go!

If you could move overseas, would you?

Do you know what your purpose in life is?

Where would you prefer to live?

Where would you choose to go for a holiday?

Are you happy with your life right now?

Do you like doing polls?


Today is a very special day. When Lewy gets home from work, he will officially be on long service leave... for 8 WHOLE WEEKS! We are all so excited about this and can't wait to have him home for such a long time. We have lots of plans for working around the house, a little trip away and generally just enjoying being together! Yahoo!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 305 Bar stools

Still sick ... blah :(

Couch, blanket, sleeping, watching 'Keeping Up Appearances' re-runs, more sleep. Luckily, due to Friday being a public holiday, the boys were able to swap their daycare days and go today instead. What timing.

I have been well behaved and rested all day apart from 30 minutes. When my father in law took me to pick up some bar stools I bought off Gumtree. Is it just me, or are bar stools crazy expensive? No way am I paying over $100 for ONE bar stool! Insane! So I've been keeping an eye on Gumtree for the last week or so, and last night 3 gorgeous solid jarrah bar stools came up for sale ... for $30 each! Score. The lady was also selling some brand new kids lego type packs, so I managed to pick up another early Christmas present for Sam - a Police Station that he can make, complete with car etc. He will love it and I got it at a bargain price. I love when I find good deals like this.

Our old bar stools.... (WAS 4 before they started breaking). I bought these stools for $15 each (I know!) out of the Quokka the very weekend that Lewy and I moved into this house. Over 6 years ago. Money well spent right?

Our new bar stools....they look great and fit in perfectly.

You know, thinking about the weekend that we moved into our house and I bought the bar stools... got me thinking about all that this house has seen: Our wedding and the first home our 2 children had after coming home from the hospital. When the day comes that we sell this place, it will be a sad goodbye. Lots of memories in this place. *sob sob* Being sick makes me sappy and reflective... bare with me.

Oh and the weekend we moved in also saw me drop my glass of red wine all over the kitchen floor. The first but not the last time. I have a bad habit of breaking every single wine glass I have ever owned. Unfortunately, I have also been known to drop other people's wine glasses as well. Yikes! And noooooo, not because I was drunk (I don't think?) :P 

Right, that's enough for today. Need more sleep. x

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 304 AGAIN

Guys. I don't know how to tell you this without sounding like I'm a hopeless case.

I'm sick AGAIN! AGAIN! A - gain.... *sigh*

Good news: I can safely say this is not due to me letting myself get run down, in fact since my last little mishap, I've been feeling physically on top of the world! Healthy, full of energy.. you name it.

Bad news: I have kids that go to daycare.

Good news: Jacob is totally fine, Sam was a tiny bit unwell but bounced back no problems.

Bad news: I'm not bouncing back as quickly.

Good N---- Tracey stop. Right Now. They get the picture. 

*cough* So in my un-professional opinion I have either tonsillitis, or... something else that makes my throat really really sore. 

I need a whole stack of positive thoughts, prayers, scientific cures etc so that I can still attend a very special birthday party with the boys on Thursday.


Because I don't have any photos and my brain has now stopped working properly... here are some things that made me laugh, laugh, laugh :))

Haha, this has totally happened to me before...

Bed..... I need to be in it.

Night all... and sweet dreams x

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 303 That's all?

I think I should get this tattooed on my arm :P What a great reminder. 

That's all I have for today.... that's it! A good, busy, productive day... time for rest :)

Night all x

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 302 Sunday's Stuff


Sam started a 3 year old Soccer program today, that runs for 6 weeks. The program is held at my old High School... this brings back memories! Although I wasn't into Phys Ed in my High School days (now that I think about it.. I'm still not!). Sam had his buddy Shanika with him and together they hit the training hard! 

Sam's special fan club! Thanks for coming along Lisa, Bailey and Isaac!

Typical ... Sam likes to be up front and centre! Hanging' with the Coach.

Shanika learning some special Soccer tips...

Jacob watching his big brother...

Time for a pep talk from the Dads.

Shanika the Soccer Star!

"I'm pretty sure I can throw this ball into the basketball hoop.. it's not that high!"


Time for Sunday's Stuff!

Oh I need this in my back yard! In summer I can hold my PJ Party Catch Up's here.... good idea right?

Cool idea...must remember to do this when Sam starts school :)

Simple but strong words... I'm a big fan of C.S Lewis, anyone else?

Simple.. but I'm in looove.

Oh drool!


Portraits that Make my Heart Jump:

{beauty is in the eyes}

Sam was intrigued by this boy, he kept asking me to show him the photo over and over. He said "How can he fit in his house?"

I love Tomato Soup... add some Basil and you got me hooked.

Oh this is so pretty.

Take me there now...

The End!



One minute we are sitting at home, next minute we are in the car on the way to Whiteman Park for a bush walk. I love doing last minute things like this with the boys. I love creating adventure for them and teaching them that life is what you make it. Adventures are just waiting around the corner.. you just have to get up and go!

A simple photo... ever wonder what is happening at the other side of the camera?

This! I'm laying on the dirt ground, Sam is laying flat on my back and Jacob is crouching to check it all out... it didn't take long for Jacob to crawl onto my back as well! It's been a big day! Early to bed for me and the boys. Happy Sunday all! xx