Saturday, June 16, 2012

Busy Busy!

Man... what a week. My life is a blur of 'busy'. We have renovations happening again in our home.. big ones. Painting throughout, new furniture, new flooring... it's all happening. Of course.. that means chaos. Good chaos :)

And guys.. I have good news. Big news actually. If life was busy before, it's about to get busier. I got a promotion at work! I'm nervous but very excited. It's a wonderful career move for me. For those who know me well, know that I don't work just for the money. It means a lot to me to keep progressing and climbing the ladder. I find a lot of fulfilment and satisfaction from doing well in my working life.

So the day I got back from holidays, my boss told me about a new role being offered and asked if I would like to go for it. Of course, I said a big 'yes'! This week I found out that the job is mine! I'll be wearing two hats in my new role: Retirement Village Manager for 3 days per week and Special Projects Officer for the remaining 2 days. I will also be Relief Retirement Village Manager for our other sites when the Managers go on Annual Leave.

The new role will be a challenge, but .. worth it. :P

So tonight.. Lewy and I heading out for my birthday dinner as well as to celebrate my new job.  Chesters Restaurant in the Swan Valley here we come!

Till next time xx


Claire said...

Oh wow, this is fantastic news! Huge congratulations on the promotion! Well done! I hope you enjoyed dinner at your fave restaurant :-)