Friday, February 3, 2012

Excitement Overload

Now you guys... I don't want you to get too excited over the following photos. They are jam-packed full of interesting and exciting things to look at... :P

This afternoon was the second function that I was responsible for organising. Again, not wanting to get in trouble for posting too much from work online.... I took this picture below especially for this blog. That's how much I think of you guys even while I'm working :P See that guy in the navy suit on the far left? That's my boss :P

We had two official openings today, one for a factory unit the company bought for archives/storage etc (calm down, calm down... it's riveting stuff I know).

I totally tied that ribbon on... :P So we did the whole ribbon cutting ceremony with a bunch of guys.. obviously... from the foot wear in the above photo.

The second opening was back at our office, for another new area and had to be 'officially opened' with the formal members of the organisation.

After that we headed to the board room for drinks and delicious food platters. Everything went really well and was a big success. Phew, looks like I can keep my job for a few more weeks :P

The lovely Crystal at my boys' daycare, sends me photos during the day of Jacob while he is with her in  the Toddler's room.. nothing makes me happier than seeing a happy Jakey having a ball :) Sam spends a lot of time in the Toddler's Room with Jacob and Crystal, which also makes me happy :)

Here are some photos that Crystal has sent over this week... don't be alarmed by the middle photo! It was Jam + 100's and 1000's and "messy play". Jacob does 'messy play' pretty darn well! Apparently he was the only child that required a bath afterwards.. no surprise there. My boys don't do things half way :)

It is quite possible that I am going way overboard for Sam's upcoming birthday party. I am finding great joy in planning a wonderful little party for Sam and his buddies... so much so, I've been known to stay up till past 10PM on a SCHOOL NIGHT working on the theme and food ideas... :P I cannot wait. :)

This weekend? Well let me just say, this is what tonight involves:

I'm about to enter another photography competition, just for the fun of it. So I've been sipping red wine (that's right, onto the Reds now... Izzie.. I plan on buying a whole new suitcase just to bring back some USA wine, can't wait to do some taste testings!) and reading photography websites..

On that note, I'm off to do very important internet things... like researching party ideas :P

Happy Days!


Claire said...

So glad everything is going well at work and you're very obviously enjoying it!!

Those photos of Jacob are hilarious!!