Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Aid

If you have an accident and are unconscious, break your arm or leg, are bleeding or are choking on something.. I'm your gal. (Please don't come to me if you have any other issues outside these areas). :P

Today I went to a First Aid Course. What a day! I turned up to work as per normal, to find out that one of the girls who was booked in for the course today was sick, and could I go in her place. I wasn't booked in until Monday, so of course I hadn't done any of the required pre-reading as yet. Now if you know me well, you'll know that if I have homework to do or any preparation to do for a course or meeting.. I'll darn well do it! So, feeling a bit nervous and unprepared, I rock up to the course, in my high heels and lovely little office outfit. So appropriate :P

The day went great, I saved many lives and put splints on many fractured arms. I applied pressure on bleeding wounds and elevated as required. I gave CPR till my arms were sore and filled those lungs with air like there was no tomorrow.

Passed the practical assessment, and then got ready for the written assessment. Um.. nervous. I'm such a nerd, that I even came back to my desk early from the breaks so I could study. I know, I'm a total dag. Turns out half the stuff in the assessment wasn't covered in the class, because you were supposed to read it during your homework. Freaked out for a moment, then realised I had watched enough Hospital and Trauma shows to pull me through. Done and dusted! 19 correct out of 20 thank you very much :P

By the way, if you have an open wound on your chest, please don't seek my assistance. I'd just lay you down on your back, cover it up and hope for the best :P