Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today was crazy busy. My desk looked like a bomb went off producing mounds of paperwork. Strangely enough, it was a good day and I managed to do a massive amount of stuff... leaving me feeling very proud of my efforts!

Oh don't worry though, my personal To Do List is still sky high.. and I'm still gladly ignoring it for now. I think I might need someone to come over, sit me down, let me tell them everything I need to do.. and ... then they go do it. Any takers? :P Working conditions are comfortable, your boss is friendly and will provide you with wine and lots of chats ... please forward your resume and you will be hired straight away. :P

Off topic.. and totally random. But 'The Voice'. Oh! I'm in love! I started watching it just so there was something on in the background while I waited for 'Revenge' to come on, while reading at the same time.. (oh yeah guys, I'm living the procrastinators dream right now!) and .. TEARS! Love it! I think I love Delta... I would have chosen her for sure. Seal... not sure, he seems nice enough. I'm too reserved for Joel Madden although he seems like a fantastic guy, and Keith Urban... yep he seems really nice too. If I was on The Voice.. I would choose (oh this is so hard! how do I choose?!)... da da da dum... Delta :) or Keith... or Joel... or Seal. Now.. to learn how to sing. :P

She.blows.my.mind. She's my fav so far. Gives me goosebumps.

The conversation with my boss today:

Boss: "When are you going on holidays?"

Me: "My last day at work is May 17th.. I'll then be gallivanting around America.. yay!"

Boss: "Oh that's right.. are you going to Chicago?"

Me: " Umm... that's random... no.. LA, Colorado & New York"

Boss: "I want to go to Chicago, and.. Texas one day, even just to fly over it... "

Me: "Okay... right."

Boss: "Have you exchanged your money yet, and gotten your US dollars? The interest rates are going to go down, I'd say, around next week.. which means the exchange rate will go up.. so you'd better get some money now.. how much will you spend......you can use our American Express card to exchange without commission....." he continued with financial stuff I don't understand.... 

Me: (quietly having a meltdown).. "Ummmmmmm"

Boss: Discussing lots of financial things I don't understand and talking about stuff I don't know... 

Me: "Okay, great, thanks for that advice".

Needless to say, my boss used to be a Bank Manager... he lost me at .... well.... way long ago :P

Izzie. Um. Please don't leave me by myself for too long. Goodness knows what trouble I'm going to get myself in while I'm in America!

Goodnight ... and sweet dreams,


Aaron and Izzie said...

hahahaha, you'll be lucky if you get a minute to yourself once you hit Colorado!!!

Claire said...

I LOOOOOVE The Voice too!!! But you already know who I'd pick ;-) It's just an all-out Keith perve for me!!

Your boss sounds lovely by the way!