Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hump Day..... yep. Survived it. Another busy one, which started bright and early to head to South Perth to take the Minutes of a Board Meeting. Then onto work to plough through the paperwork. It was a good day, that flew by so quickly.

Meanwhile.. back at the ranch.. or 'Caversham Wildlife Park', Sam and Jacob chucked a sickie from Daycare and went out with Crystal and Toby for the day. They loved it! They fed kangaroos, patted a wombat, held a lucky are they?!

Some random things:

1. I thought 'The Voice' was on tonight. It was not. I was devastated.
2. The fact that I do not currently own a working camera (iPhone does NOT count), saddens me very much.
3. This made me laugh so much...
4. I'm too tired to finish this... need bed. Night night.. x


Claire said...

ARGH, snake!!!

Please, please, PLEASE tell us that you'll have camera fixed or a new one for America?? :-(