Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday fun

Hello there friends!

What a week. Between two trips to Mandurah and a full working week, plus my extra work in the evenings for my other job, we were kept busy that's for sure. Busy... but..... have I mentioned lately how much I love my job :P

Monday night pampering
Jacob is growing so much, he is a little beauty :) For the record, I promise I didn't colour coordinate Jacob to the lawnmower! And no, we don't usually allow him to 'mow' the coffee table!

He is a 'big boy' now and no longer using a high chair. Woohoo, another piece of baby furniture I can say goodbye to!

So.. work. :D It's going wonderfully. In addition to taking photos of the upcoming functions for the magazine, I've also been asked to take the photos for the new marketing brochures! Yikes! My dad has very kindly lent me his Nikon camera, and I cannot wait to get my camera fix! It looks as though I'm going to have to send my camera to Nikon for a service. It's worth it, I miss my 3rd baby :P

Because it seems I like to torture myself (!), the girls in the office and I have decided to do a 10 day detox together (not for weight loss purposes, just for a healthy cleansing detox with a lovely healthy diet). So this means no coffee (ha! done!), no red meat (easy!), no alcohol (gasp!), no processed food (easy!) etc etc and a few cleansing supplements to assist the cleansing process. We start on Monday!

The highlight of my week? Going back to Mandurah to get Sam. We missed him terribly. After some precious R&R with my parents, Sam is doing so well and back to his happy healthy self. It was so great to see him. :)

I don't have a double chin, it's Sam's shoulder.. I swear!!!

A satisfying week, my children are healthy and they are happy...which means I am happy :) Now to look forward to a precious weekend together :) Life is good!

Happy days,


Claire said...

So glad that work is going well and Sam is back to his normal self :-)