Friday, March 2, 2012

Draw Something

Alternative title "How I am such a great artist"

So someone told me to download an app on the iPhone called 'Draw Something'. So I did. Quick rundown: you draw a picture and your opponent has to guess what it is, then you guess their drawing etc etc. You can play against random strangers or your friends. And well.... the pictures speak for themselves. Either I'm so far advanced with my artistic skills or well...I feel totally sorry for anyone who has to guess my drawings.

FACE - I think maybe my 'face' person has fangs.. or is starting to become a vampire or something... impressive?

Poor random stranger Abdullah B. I'm sorry I could not draw a Polaroid ... in fact I am surprised he managed to guess this at all. Keep an eye on these 2 blue people.. they make another celebrity appearance..

If you guessed this one straight away - Sofa.. then you are on my wave length :P Oh hello, 2 blue people...

Fire. So obvious.

I actually think this spider is my stand out picture. I mean look - it's just not any old spider, it's a red back! And so detailed. I might be improving.

Scrap that... I'm not improving. I've resorted to giving hints to my poor stranger opponents.

Oh yeah. I'm an artist deep down... very deep down.. :P


Claire said...

Hahahahahaha!!!! Thist post cracked me up!! I just LOVE the last one, "STARTS WITH 'E'..." hahahaha!!