Friday, March 2, 2012

March Photo A Day

Surprise, surprise... I've found another challenge to do! How unusual for me to take on a project... 

Our computers were acting all crazy today, and we couldn't gain access to our normal files and other parts of the computer which were necessary to actually get anything done. So ... the girls in the office and I did the professional thing, and sat around talking and laughing and making jokes... and internet surfing. Where I found the great idea of the March photo challenge! 

After announcing to work that I was going to do it, the girls decided they wanted to do it to. So we managed to fill some time while we worked on our first 2 photos to catch up. 

Day 1. UP. These are the flowers in our front reception. I put my phone on the table to look up to the ceiling. Bear with me guys, I only had the office to work with!

Day 2. FRUIT. A photo I found on the internet and thought it was pretty cool for the Fruit capture :) 

It's not too late to join in if you are interested! 

One of the girls decided to take a picture of the back of my head for the 'up' challenge.. you get it? hair.. up? :P Ahh, looks like I put a whole of effort into making my hair all pretty today ha!

Tomorrow, Sam is having his buddy Emily come for a sleep over. His first little friend sleep over! We can't wait - we have a big day planned: going to the movies, out for lunch, bit of shopping, making pizzas at home and a camp out in Mum and Dad's room :P It's going to be a whole load of fun!  Something tells me I'll be falling asleep the same time as the kids though!

As for tonight.. Sam and I are watching 'Fireman Sam' in the bedroom :) Woah... party animal me. :P

Good night friends...sweet dreams... 


Claire said...

You and your challenges!! Great idea!