Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sleep Overs

Sam's little friend Emily came to stay with us yesterday and have a sleep over. What a whirlwind adventure! We were busy, we had great fun and managed to fit in lots of things.... and when the kids went to sleep last night... I sat on the couch in the front room and soaked up the peace and quiet!

The kids had Movies, McDonalds, trip to the lake, dress ups, cartoons in the bedroom with popcorn.. you name it, we did it.

Little chickens were exhausted at the end of the day. Not a peep out of them all night... they slept great and I slept uncomfortably in the middle of them (at their request!), and woke up through the night with little feet and hands sticking out everywhere. :P Pretty cute things to wake up to though:)

When Kirsty came to pick up Emily, she very kindly bought me some magazines and chocolate to enjoy in my quiet time. It was a fantastic way to spend the morning. Overall, a pleasure to spend time with Miss Emily and the boys thought it was pretty fantastic having their friend stay over :P

Jacob went down for a nap this morning.. and I toddled off to lie down in bed "not to sleep, Lewy, just to lie down for a few moments"....and woke up 2 hours later :-o :P

So a gorgeous lazy rest of the weekend for us, with the added bonus of a public holiday tomorrow - woohoo!


I will probably be back later as I've got a post brewing .... it is likely to be a 'grab a coffee and settle in post'. :P Stay tuned!


Claire said...

Oh what fun they had! You're a cool mummy ;-) I love how they all were so exhausted that they zonked and slept all night, so cute!!