Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 189

The beautiful rain continues.... I'm really enjoying this weather at the moment, I love standing at the door with a cuppa in my hands, listening to the rain on the roof and watching the water beating down into the garden... it has a calming affect on me. Makes me light candles, burn incense and put on soft music and relax :)

I'm at a bit of a crossroads at the moment... I'm itching to develop some better habits (like exercise more, eat better etc etc)... I was doing great at the start of the year... but well, we all know what happened there :) So I'm trying hard to get back into that space again, not for the purpose of losing weight.. that's not my motivation, it's just a consequence..... how I look is not important, what means more to me is how I feel. I want to feel good inside and in control (what? Me? wanting to feel in control? nooo!), but seriously, I just want to feel like I'm taking the best care of my body so that it does me well and gives me the energy I need to get the most out of the days.  So.... time to get back to it and start the 2nd half of the year on the right healthy path :) Wish me luck... I will need it!

I've been playing around with the Hipstamatic app on my phone... it's cool for some different picture effects!

I snuggled up in bed last night to read... I can't put this book down. It's a miracle that I'm even updating the blog tonight, I had to tear myself away from the book to do so!

Night all... go snuggle up and grab a good book to read :) xxx


Claire said...

I do love your photos of the rain drops on the plants, they're gorgeous! Good luck on the health kick!! I actually want to start reading again, I miss it. It's just poor time management. Too much time on the computer and iPhone. All I have to do is put them aside and read instead!