Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 190 Gardening

It's no secret... I'm not a big fan of gardening. Strangely though, every now and then I get a huge urge to get out into the garden. This usually follows by a big day weeding, digging, raking, pruning.... and then as quickly as the motivation to garden came, it disappears again! So I run with it while it lasts :) 

I couldn't sleep last night and ended up laying in bed thinking about what I was going to do in the garden to tidy things up a little. See that tree on the very right of the pic? We have been meaning to replant that as it will just keep getting bigger and in that location, it's not good. And the picture doesn't show it very well, but see how just up from that tree there is a nice big mess of green? There are actually 4 plants in that one little area (have no idea how that happened!)... so I decided that some of those trees needed clearing out as well.  

(Please don't mind the brown leaves, they'll come back!)...So, I took out the tree and transplanted it to a beautiful pot that Lewy and Sam went and bought this morning, then I transferred this plant that you see below, from the mess in the other section, to it's own little area where the tree used to be.

Now there are only 2 of the trees in that middle section, which makes things a lot less cluttered and more orderly.. and I do like me some order :)

While I was at it, I moved our outside table up to one end so that the kids have more room to play and ride around. The tent has become a permanent fixture in the backyard, the boys really love it!

 I wasn't planning on it, but I was on a roll... so moved to the front yard. I weeded, and raked the mulch to refresh it a little.

The tree in its new home...

The front yard looks lovely... nice and tidy and most importantly weed-less! For now :)

Now to wait and see if they tree and plant actually survive the move!!

I stuck my head out the door to see what Sam and Jacob were up to and they were pottering around in their 'home' as Sam calls it :)

Now that I've had a a coffee and a little break, I'm off to do some more tidying and clearing up! I'm on a roll!
Enjoy your Sunday all xxx


Claire said...

Wow!!! I am seriously impressed at your energy and gardening skills - you go girl!!! It looks fantastic!! There's nothing like a bit of black mulch to really finish off a garden is there? Very classy ;-)

Val said...

WOW!!! You go girlfriend...or should I say gardener??!! I'm sure your transplanting should be fine...but sometimes when you transplant leaves will go brown, as they have been thing is to clip them off and let the fertilizer and water go to what is green and let new growth come up quicker...otherwise the water will be a waste to the dead ones...just a little tip!! xxx ps...Fish Emulision from Woolies for about $4.00 is the BEST thing for plants...I use it EVERYWHERE!!!!