Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 227 At Home

Sam + middle ear infection = quiet day at home.

Little trooper... he is pretty happy considering!


Holiday over, back to reality.... now I need to lose some kilos...... wish me luck with that! 

So this is how I looked all day: 
 My excuse - I was cleaning and washing.... no need to look pretty to do that :)

About 10 minutes before Lewy arrived home, I quickly changed to this:
 I figured Lewy deserves a wife who actually makes a tiny effort to look decent rather than coming home to a daggy-just-rolled-out-of-bed-looking wife!

The last evidence of Bali.....

That's all for today... a lovely quiet day...xxxxxx


Claire said...

I love the black & whites of the boys, gorgeous shots. Very pretty toenails! That daggy just rolled out of bed look is me every day I'm home :-/ oops!!