Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 322 Windows

For all my laziness yesterday, Lewy and I certainly made up for it today. I cleaned every square inch of the kitchen - how on earth does it get so messy and the cupboards so unruly? We sanded down and re-varnished the outside table, fixed the chairs that were falling apart, finished clearing up the outside, bought a new BBQ and put it together and cleaned the windows.

Sheesh! Anyone would think the Queen is coming over for a BBQ tomorrow! Close, our guests are even more important though :) We will be entertaining the lovely Gamer family tomorrow, so it was a good excuse to get our acts together and finish those outside jobs.

Windows. I don't know about you - but ours are always dirty. ALWAYS. Over the time, I've become very good at ignoring them because basically, the moment we clean them, our 2 little angels come along and wipe their hands and noses and faces across them, making them look exactly like they did before. They do it on purpose I'm sure of it. So, today after we cleaned, Lewy and I stood back to admire our clean windows... of course the boys put their 'window ruining' hats on and gravitated towards them. And Lewy and I have spent the rest of the afternoon screaming "Don't touch the windows!" "Move away from the windows!" "Oh MAN why do we BOTHER?!" Oh the joys!

Evidence: Clean window.


First of all, love this show. Secondly, I've been a bit down the last few days. I've had lots of things on my mind which have been tilting the happiness scale to the ground.  BUT, all is not lost...when I woke up this morning, all I wanted to do was curl under the blanket and hide from the world.. instead I got up, got busy and had such a productive day that I couldn't help but feel uplifted and positive. One day at a time, one day at a time... :)

Happy Days,


Val said...

Yes....they are SUPER clean everybody...I witnessed them today!! :-)

Claire said...

I love clean windows... and although I don't have little hands on them yet, I do have wet doggy noses on them - and Norman finds mud when it rains, then comes and puts his feet up on the glass doors... so I also don't know why I bother!!!