Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 335 & 336

I think this last bout of depression fried my brain. :P I sat down last night to post and ended up staring at this screen for way too long with total writers block. So I gave up and watched a DVD instead. 

Long story short, the cloud has passed. It's a strange feeling this depression, as when the cloud passes - it's like I'm back to normal just like that. One minute the cloud is there and I'm stuck in a deep black hole, next minute it's gone and it's like it never happened.  I say minute but when the cloud is there it feels like it lasts about 1 year, even though it's just been a couple of weeks.  It's always a massive relief when it passes. I can breathe again. :)

Now for my brain cells to start working again!

All is good. 

Just a short post for today, lots to do and not much time!

Happy Days!


Claire said...

Great news hun :-) xxx

Val said...

WONDERFUL news!! Super cute pics of boys catching flies...hee hee...Marley.....adorable!!!!! xxx