Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 132 PART 1

It is 9.34am .... I'm stressed and impatient... already! Not a good sign. It will be very interesting to see how the rest of the day pans out. Will I sink or swim? Will I decide to look on the bright side and do my best to stay calm and be patient with a toddler? Or will I completely lose the plot and have a little breakdown?

We have already been to Bunnings... that trip was very successful. But now we need to go back ... for more supplies for my little project. My little project is starting to annoy me. I'm not enjoying it as much as I'd hoped... but that is largely (okay all) due to little toddler fingers that are trying to touch and smudge my work.

Hands up those who wish like crazy that some days you could just have a day off??!!!! That's me today. I want a day off. I want to drive to the beach all by myself and sit on the sand all day and do nothing but listen to the waves. If I can't do that in reality, then I'll go to the beach in my mind - anyone want to come? :) I'll bring snacks and even maybe some wine :)  hehe

Stay tuned! Part 2 to come later! Please God - help me to SWIM!



izzie said...

I'm so there, I'll bring drinks!