Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 147 PART 2

Just a quick update with the pictures I promised! It's been a GOOD day! Jam packed! Sam spent the morning with Nanna, so me, Jacob and Lewy headed out for a late breakfast. 

Sorry about the quality of the pics, taken with my iPhone... so not great! Brekky at Fast Eddy's.. this place is cool...

Then a shopping trip...Jacob chilling out in the trolley. 

We had a lovely visit from my sister Pam.. 

Hello there Jakey!

Pam and I had a bit of giggle about the coffee cups... I had the lovely colourful one, and Pam had the boring white one.. Note to self: buy another lovely colourful cup for guests to use as well :)

Look! We are getting walls to close off our study. Apologies for the mess, I only thought to take the photo once Lewy had already started moving things around! Lewy worked very hard, and managed to finish the frames today.



Apprentice Sam:

Frames are up:

Door Frame:

Can't wait till it's finished :) 

Tonight I went to the movies with my mother in law.. to see Water for Elephants. I read the book around 3 years ago, so it was great to see the movie. Loooooved it :) Definitely worth watching. 

Okay, that's it from me - I'm tired and looking forward to crawling into my nice warm bed! Night all and sweet dreams :) xxxx


Claire said...

Looks and sounds like you had a really lovely day! It's funny, I recognised Fast Eddy's in the second photo before I read underneath where you were!!

Wow how clever is Lewy?! The study is going to be awesome! I'm seriously impressed!