Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 352 Incense

I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for photos today. I've been a busy bee cleaning the house and getting things organised for our week ahead.

Today's lunch - perfect for a jolt of energy! Toast with spinach leaves, tuna and a sprinkling of fetta and popped under the grill.

This is fast becoming one of my favourite places in the house... I went for my routine jog this morning, then again this afternoon. The afternoon jog was motivated by feeling a little overwhelmed with my To Do List and I needed a quick de-stress and time out to get things into perspective. It worked a treat! I came out sweaty but feeling in control. :P

If you have the Instagram app on your phone (which is what I use to take all of these pics lately) and want to follow me.. my name is trmrsss Or alternatively, you can just wait until I post the pics I take on here ha! :P

Lewy just came and quietly placed this incense next to me ... I think he is wanting to make sure my stress levels don't sky rocket again! Good move babe, good move :)

Time to go finish the washing...woohoo!


Claire said...

Ooo, must check out Instagram app?!!

Glad you're enjoying the running and that it helps clear your head!