Sunday, December 25, 2011

I did it :)

365 days. Who would have thought I would actually make it to the end?! Where to start to explain this last year...

How about blatant honesty? This year kinda sucked. Don't get me wrong, there were loads and loads of wonderful things that happened and precious memories made but I can safely say 'life journey' wise... I crawled through this year, sometimes I didn't even crawl, I just laid there motionless! I think this blog only captured a very small portion of how hard I found it.

But you know what? That's life! There will be good years and bad years. It's all apart of the journey. I wouldn't change this year for anything though and you know why? This year has taught me so much. SO MUCH. I feel stronger, more content about my place in life, happier and settled. I know I wouldn't have come to this place if it weren't for these past 365 days.

Another positive? Friendship. This year has given me a whole new appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful friends in my life. It's been a very new experience for me, opening up and showing my vulnerability. But you guys, YOU GUYS have all made such an impact in my life, words don't describe.  I can't thank you enough. My heart is full :)

My family. My family are my rock. My little family here at home and also my parents and sisters. The harder life gets, the closer we get. The more we struggle, the stronger we are. I'm blessed a thousand times over for my parents and my sisters. They are the kind of people where I don't even need to speak... they just know, love and support me no matter what.

And Lewy? I feel teary just thinking about how lucky I am to have him. He is my soul mate and my best friend, and even though this year has been tough - our relationship is even stronger. The hard times have cemented our marriage in ways I could never imagine. And thanks to our marriage, we have two of the most gorgeous little boys I've ever seen (I'm not biased, no way!). They teach me more about trying to be a better person than anything else ever could. I love their beautiful little faces. :)

Apart from friends and family, I would have to say this Blog and my photography hobby are also things that have gotten me through. I know it might sound a little silly, but I think having an 'outlet' of sorts through this blog has been a bit of a life saver. It kept me going. I felt like even though I was feeling so lost and overwhelmed, I was 'contributing' to something. Ummm it's hard to explain :P It was good for me. That about sums it up :) And it wouldn't have been the same if you guys didn't keep reading and supporting me like you did. Thank you. 

And photography... well, you know...I love it. :P

I'm starting full time work soon. Words don't describe how excited I am about entering back into the workforce. I NEED to go back to work for my sanity. Before I had kids, I found a lot of fulfilment through working hard, climbing the ladder even if what just a few steps at a time, I found my identity in my work. So when I left work to have kids, I also lost a major part of 'me' and I well and truly felt lost and out of control.

I'm very much looking forward to finding that part of me again, the efficient, well dressed, well presented, focussed person that I used to be (boy, did she go missing!!) but I've also learnt that there are many parts of me and they are all very important. The wife, the mum, the worker, the friend ... I feel more balanced.

Next year is going to be better. I know it is. I'm not making any wacky New Years Resolutions. My only goal is to work hard, do my best as a mother, a wife, a member of my family.. and enjoy the small things.

As for this blog, I'm keeping it! Don't stress, I'm certainly not setting another crazy project! But I'll update it like most normal people do, not every day, but when something of interest actually happens in my life! So be sure to keep checking in every now and then (or every few days, as you all know I love to write random mundane things about my life, ha!).

Thank you all for being YOU. You've all had an impact on my life, without even knowing it :)

What a year huh?!! Here's to a fantastic, amazing 2012!

Lots of love,


Claire said...

No words really... Love ya Trace! xxx

Val said...

I totally agree with Claire.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx