Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 133

Two things I liked about today:

1. While Lewy worked, my mother in law Sharon came to watch Sam so I could run some errands with Jacob. It was great to spend time with my little one, and get lots of things done. When I got home, Sharon had hung out my washing, bought in a load, folded and put it away! LOVE HER!

2. I spent some time this afternoon, when my boys were napping.. working on my photos to submit for the photography course. We are working on Shutter Speed and Aperture settings this week. 


If you don't want to be bored to death.... maybe just skip this next part of the post!

Shutter Speed: The original project was to take photos of moving cars, but seen as I was at home and needed to hurry up and get some photos taken... I improvised by getting Sam to run back and forth (poor little guy!). 

So this photo was taken with a fast shutter speed, which means the movement has been 'stopped' in the photo. 

This photo was taken with a slow shutter speed, causing the blur.

Aperture: I'm sure the people in my class will be so excited by the fascinating objects I have chosen to photograph!

For this photo, I've used a low Aperture setting, which focuses on the main object, the cup, and makes the background blurry.

This photo has been taken with a larger Aperture setting, causing the whole image to be in focus.


When I got home from the shops today, I let Sam have the rest of the juice I had bought. He said to me "This smells like socks". Hmmmm! 

My husband.... I love him.  He is cooking us a yummy pasta meal for dinner tonight and I've been told that tomorrow I get to sleep in and he will make me breakfast in bed to celebrate Mothers' Day :) I cannot wait! 


Floating or swimming? I'm doing the doggy paddle.. so not quite overarm but moving nonetheless! It can only get better from here :) Soon I may even be doing the butterfly! 

Productive, cruisy Saturday xxx


Claire said...

I'm proud to say that I actually knew what you were talking about with shutter speed and aperture!! I do love your improvisation... running sam instead of moving cars HAHA!! No word on the project in today's post...

Tracey said...

The project! Slight set back today, hopefully, maybe I'll have it finished tomorrow! x