Friday, September 9, 2011

10 Day 'You' Challenge - DAY FIVE

5 Foods.... right, easy! I'm sure none of these will surprise you!

1.  Cherry Tomatoes.... I'm in love. 

2.  Basil. Anything with basil in it. Anything. I'll take it. I love basil pesto so much I could eat it by the spoonful out of the jar. (Not that I would.....again)

3.  Pasta. Any kind, all of it!

4.  Pumpkin. (This choice is inspired by being totally blown away by my dinner last night of Pumpkin, Spinach and Chickpea Satay - so tasty and I couldn't get enough!) Generally though, I'm a pretty big fan of any dish that has pumpkin in it.

5.  My favourite green vege is Broccoli. I know. Could I get any more boring?! I like it as plain as possible, nicely steamed.. simple. It's just so refreshing. 

Trust me, if I ate meat still this list would look a whole lot more interesting! But there it is.... 5 foods I love!

Today's post will be up tonight!
