Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 299 Reflection

My morning generally starts the same way every day. When I first wake up I stay in bed and grab my phone to read any new posts on the blogs that I follow and check my emails. I love starting my day like this. Often, I'll read something or see a photo that inspires, encourages and makes me smile. That happened this morning. Someone posted a quote and it hit home for me and I felt encouraged:

"So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late."
Lee Iacocca 

After I've been updated, I get up (I'll spare you the details of bathroom activities ha!), get Jacob and we venture into the lounge room with his bottle of milk. Now this is where things get a little.... corny? Without fail, every morning, I sit on the rug, Jacob on  my lap rugged up in his blanket and we watch '7th Heaven'! It gets worse... we can watch it no matter what we wake, because I tape it. If you've never heard of this show before and wondering why it would be corny to be so hooked on it... read this, you will soon realise! ha! Love it. Give me good ol' fashioned family fun/drama and I'm hooked. :-/

So there you have it. The corny truth!

The Evidence... Jacob, milk, PJ's, 7th Heaven on TV :)

Guess what Val and I did last night? We had a PJ Party catch up! Soooo fun! The rules? Sit in the reading room, candles lit and attire must be PJ's or trackies/socks or slippers. I highly recommend this type of catch up! The only downside is that the time went way too fast, and by 11.30pm we had only covered the tip of the iceberg of everything we could have talked about... but that's okay, another PJ Party catch up will just have to be arranged :D


What's On The iPhone? Some bad quality photos taken over the last few weeks :p


The other day the boys were in Sam's room and all I could hear was laughing ... I popped my head around the corner and this is what I saw:

Bed = trampoline = FUN!

Some pics from the spontaenous catch up at Lisa's house... 

Watching my boys (and one half naked boy) supervising the bin truck. This made my morning. :))


I may or may not be back later tonight to blog again. I'm in quite a reflective and inspired mood today so I may have urgent thoughts to share.. which will be so important that they can't wait until tomorrow :))  OR I get a brain block and have nothin' to share... let's see how the day pans out! 

Happy day all! x


Claire said...

I start my day in a smiliar way, except it's Facebook I catch up on (hehe!) and we sit in bed while I breastfeed Hannah!! But I too love our mornings :-)

LOVE the PJ Party catch-up!! We (you know who I mean by we without me even saying!) did similar a few weeks ago and same as you guys, 11pm came around so quickly and we hadn't NEARLY talked about everything yet!

izzie said...

LOVE love love! Great PJ party, we'll have to have a couple of those when you come!! Your boys are darling, what fun they must have together!!

Val said...

How exciting that my pj's made a viewing on your blog....the spotted p.j's are now famous...whoo hoo!!! ps...fantastic night lovely...WAY too quickly!!!!