The beautiful sun reflecting through the front french door in the morning...
The sun is a regular feature in my photos at the moment.. I like it :)
I'm pretty sure I caused irreversible eye damage taking this picture!
Oh I did do something else today.. I made Jelly with pears for Sam. I wish I had done it in secret, Sam hung around the fridge and asked me every 2 seconds if the jelly was ready yet. It was only cute for the first 2 minutes (for the record, jelly takes around 4 hours to set!).
He did ask if his friend Shanika was coming over to share the jelly.. he associates jelly with his buddy Shanika, so sweet :)
Sam is great at making his own fun. He got out my saucepans and colanders to make a drum set.. complete with carrots for drumsticks.
I follow a few photographers on Flickr, to keep up with their work. This guy is one of them, his photos are spectacular ( Check out this link for his 'seascape' photos: amazing amazing amazing!
Sam found a dead fly on our floor today, he bought it to me in the palm of his hand and said "It's not working, it's not going bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, can you make it work again Mum?" Oh bless!
Have a great weekend!
Mmmmmmmm those pizzas look SO GOOD!!!
Love the photos with the "drums". I love reading the things Sam says.
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